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Aeyesafe Inc.


Aeyesafe is AI monitoring system that enhances senior safety and provides 24/7 human-like observation using AI sensor technology, while providing caregivers with the senior’s moment-to-moment records and AI-based behavioral analysis.

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Basic Information:

My Role


UX Designer

My Responsibility

UX Design

User Research

Usability Testing

Project Manage

Practiced Skills

Communication Skills, Empathy Map, Stakeholder Management Skills, System Usability Scale, Time and Task Management, UX Design, User Research, and User Interviews

Project Duration

July 2023 - Present

Project Info

Internship in tech startup




Project Manager

UI/UX Designers


About Aeyesafe: 

Aeyesafe is AI monitoring system that enhances senior safety and provides 24/7 human-like observation using AI sensor technology, while providing caregivers with the senior’s moment-to-moment records and AI-based behavioral analysis

Aeyesafe Goal:



24/7 Human like observation and privacy protection



Current Problem in Senior Caregiving

Currently, there is an unequal amount of caregivers vs. elderly who need care. Sometimes, caregivers are tired and overworked and may not be able to identify abnormal behaviors or respond promptly to face different emergencies. Our product aims to solve this personnel shortage in the elderly care industry and can better help caregivers to enhance senior safety and provides 24/7 care.


Understand User Pain Points


Conducted user interviews was to understand our future users’ needs, wants, and current pain points.

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Summarizing from the interviews to understand user pain points and needs:

User Pain Points

User Needs

- Time-consuming manual room checks

- Delay response to incidents

- Lengthy registration may lead to lower completion rates

- Challenges in resident management without categorization

- Efficient senior well-being monitoring and management

- Organized system to address urgent situations and work log

- Optimized registration, gathering only essential information

- Straightforward and organized resident community management system


Design Brainstorm

We utilize empathy map to gain a deeper understanding of users' needs, behaviors, and emotions.

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Features Overview


Streamlined and Simplified Registration 

CO Reg_create account-2.png


Digitized community setting feature 

Community Settings.png


Detailed and effective real-time monitoring dashboard

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Pop-up Alert Ticketing System

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Create Smooth B2B Product Onboarding Experience

The registration process for 2B Products is typically complicated, and sometimes users may abandon the registration. 

User Pain Point: Lengthy registration may lead to lower completion rates.

"Before" Design: 1 Page Questionnaire

We need to create a user registration process for B2B products that not only meets the practical needs of businesses but also elevates the overall user experience. 

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Prototype High-Fi Petecho-19.png

However, we received feedbacks that the process is lengthy. 


A simple sign-up form with clear and concise instructions can help users understand what information is required of them and how to complete the process quickly and efficiently. 

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How can we balance user needs and business requirements?

According to user feedback, we made the following changes: 

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1. Divide the process into three steps:

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2. ImplementeProgress bar informs and motivates users to complete the account setup process

3. Request only essential information

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Prototype High-Fi Petecho-20.png

User Feedback based on new design:

New Design: Split the Account Registration into multiple steps


Final Solution

Streamlined and Simplified Registration 

User Pain Point: Lengthy registration may lead to lower completion rates.

CO Reg_create account-2.png

Split the Community Account set up process into multiple steps

Request only essential information from users

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Progress bar informs and motivates users to complete the account setup process

Provide instant data validation help users correct errors on the signup page faster

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Request only essential information from users

Required labels let us know which fields are mandatory

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Email Verification

Provide an easy way for users to resend verification emails if they don't receive them.

Digitized community setting feature 

User Pain Point: Challenges in resident management without categorization

Community Settings.png

Search bar: Effortlessly locate residents, suites, and rooms

Easy management: to facilitate easy management and providing all the necessary information

Delete suite.png

Enable users to efficiently manage the community by adding or deleting suits, adding or deleting rooms, and viewing the devices associated with each room

Delete Suite: Inform users about the association of rooms and devices and caution them that these devices must be removed before deleting a suite.

Remove physical device.png

The "Need Help" function enables users to access assistance when facing issues with removing devices.

Detailed and effective real-time monitoring dashboard

User Pain Point: Time-consuming manual room checks

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Color Distinction for Alerts: Establish a clear hierarchy by assigning colors based on the severity or urgency of the alert.

Recent Alerts Dashboard: Present the most recent alerts, including their types and statuses.

Residents' Activity Status, including status of sensors

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Alert Dashabord

Filter Function: Easily locate specific alerts using comprehensive filters

Pop-up Alert Ticketing System

User Pain Point: Delay response to emergencies and incidents

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Pop-up Notification

Effortlessly locate the incident

Remind Me Later Function

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Immediate Update: Allow users to take immediate steps or acknowledge the notification without navigating away from their current context

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Alert History and digitized documentation


Set up Design System

For B2B products, design system plays an important and essential role in impacting the consistency, efficiency, and the user experience of the product. Our team puts a heavy emphasis on setting up the design system to ensure consistency across the platform and incorporate accessibility of the product. 


Usability Test & Outcome

Set up community account

Completion rate increased from ~70% to


Alert Ticketing System

Percentage of users successfully navigating through



Percentage of participants who completed each scenario


Positive Feedback Gained:

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A startup company is a great place to continue developing and building upon my pre-existing skills because a startup company is always taking on new challenges and continuing to grow. 


The internship taught me a lot about product management and UX design. This is my first time working in a real company facing people who have worked in this field for a long time. Working with those people allowed me to learn what is it like to be a UX designer and a product manager in the industry. I learned how to be calm and efficient when new challenges come up and how to prioritize tasks to ensure the project is on track. Given the small size, I was able to connect, collaborate, and learn from people from different departments and backgrounds to ensure designs were implemented accurately and efficiently. 

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